AI Glossary

Welcome to our AI Glossary, crafted to demystify the complex world of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Generative AI for business professionals, technology enthusiasts, and startup innovators. Whether new to AI or looking to deepen your understanding of specific AI and Generative AI terms, this glossary is your go-to resource. Explore concise definitions that illuminate the breadth and depth of AI technologies shaping our future, from foundational concepts to the cutting-edge of generative content creation.

AI glossary

Artificial Intelligence (AI): AI simulates human intelligence in machines designed to think and learn. It's the broad field underpinning technologies that mimic cognitive functions such as learning and problem-solving.

Machine Learning (ML): A core part of AI, Machine Learning enables computers to learn from data and improve over time without being explicitly programmed. Learn more.

Deep Learning (DL): An advanced subset of ML, Deep Learning uses neural networks with many layers to interpret complex data structures, powering advancements in image and speech recognition. Learn more.

Natural Language Processing (NLP): NLP allows machines to understand and interact using human language, making it possible for computers to read text, hear speech, interpret it, measure sentiment, and determine essential parts.

Neural Networks: Inspired by the human brain, these networks are algorithms designed to recognise patterns and interpret data through a process miming human cognition.

Generative AI: This subset of AI focuses on creating new content, such as text, images, and videos, that resemble those made by humans. It encompasses various techniques to generate novel, creative outputs.

Autoencoders: Neural networks that aim to learn compressed representations of data. Autoencoders are useful in dimensionality reduction and feature learning, with applications in generative AI for reconstructing data inputs.

Variational Autoencoders (VAEs): These are advanced autoencoders that generate new data points by learning the distribution of input data, enabling the creation of new, similar data. Learn more.

Transformer Models: Revolutionising NLP, these models process data in parallel and are excellent at managing data sequences for tasks like translation and generating readable text. Learn more.

Few-Shot Learning: This technique enables AI to learn new tasks or understand new data types with very few examples, enhancing the adaptability of AI systems.

Zero-Shot Learning: It allows AI models to handle tasks they haven't been explicitly trained for, showcasing the model's ability to generalise from its training data to new, unseen tasks.

Transfer Learning: Taking a model trained on one task and fine-tuning it for a different but related task. This is a powerful technique in both general AI and generative AI for improving performance with minimal data. Learn more.

Computer Vision: A field of AI that enables machines to interpret and understand the visual world, using digital images and deep learning models to identify and classify objects.

Reinforcement Learning: This area of ML is about teaching agents to make decisions through trial and error to achieve a goal, essential for developing systems that improve autonomously.

AI Ethics: The branch of ethics that examines AI's moral implications and challenges, ensuring the responsible development and use of intelligent technologies.

Artificial General Intelligence (AGI): A type of artificial intelligence that can understand, learn, and apply knowledge across a wide range of tasks at a level comparable to or exceeding human intelligence. It signifies the achievement of AI systems that can solve any intellectual problem that a human being can, using the same methods that humans would use.

Our journey through the AI Glossary unveils the vast landscape of AI and Generative AI, offering insights into the technologies that are reshaping industries, enhancing creativity, and pushing the boundaries of what's possible with artificial intelligence. As these technologies continue to evolve, understanding these foundational terms will improve your knowledge and empower you to confidently engage with the latest advancements in AI and Generative AI. Whether leveraging AI for business innovation, technology development, or simply nurturing a curiosity about artificial intelligence, this glossary is your starting point for exploring the exciting realm of AI possibilities.